QuickBooks is the most rated and reliable accounting management program that is required for every business or an organization at present time in this market. It has been made especially to track all invoices or bills in just a few minutes. This becomes now the most growth as a small or a medium-sized business environment. However, there are certain errors that can be experienced by QuickBooks users, when performing various activities on QuickBooks. In this post we will discuss about QuickBooks Error code OL 203 & OL 204.
These errors can be occurred due to a bunch of factors, which we will be elaborating later in this segment. Thus, if you are experiencing any sort of QuickBooks OL 203 and OL 204 error, then make sure you scroll through this piece of writing carefully, or you can also connect with our tech tea right away at +1-866-453-7060, and discuss your queries with our technical support professionals.
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What is QuickBooks Error OL 203 & OL 204?
Unfortunately, being software nice and awesome, errors will arise as randomly while using this software. QuickBooks Error Codes OL 203 & 204 generally occurs while setting up online banking in QuickBooks Desktop. For the fixation of these error codes we are going to share best troubleshooting steps through this helpful blog information.
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You may see the following error message on your desktop screen:

Some Common QuickBooks Desktop Online Banking Setup & Connection Errors include:
OLSU-1011 | OLSU-1013 | OLSU-1014 |
OLSU-1016 | OL-202 | OL-203 |
OL-393 | OL-334 | OL-332 |
OL-392 | OL-249 | OL-301 |
OL-232 | OL-221 | OL-209 |
OL-205 | OL-206 | OL-231 |
Causes of QuickBooks Error OL 203 & OL 204
QuickBooks Error OL 203 & 204 indicates that there are some issues with your Internet Network Connection as randomly.
- QuickBooks cannot verify the Internet Connection either it’s correct or not or the connection has been set up as improperly.
- Hardware issues might be a single cause for disconnecting internet network + to this problem i.e. router or modem etc.
- Firewall network connection settings might be also causing these QuickBooks Error Code 203 and OL 204 on your screen while working.
- There is an issue with one or more accounts in your company file.
- Problems with the download or import format.
- A discontinued version of Windows or QuickBooks Desktop
- Need to contact the bank to unlock your network connection via online banking. If in case blocked by any bank, then asks expert advice through connecting to expertise at QuickBooks technical support helpline.
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Troubleshooting of QuickBooks Error Code OL 203 & 204
All users need to perform these given steps to fix QuickBooks Error OL 203 & OL 204:
Note: Resolve such issues when we downloading or import your business transaction via online.
Step 1: Enabled TLS 1.2 Security Protocol if easy to Access or it is Available
The method required for how to enable TLS 1.2 as its latest version of IE web browser.
- Firstly open your Internet Explorer as its new version 11.0. When installed & make sure that the version is new & latest.
- Give a click to the gear icon as labeled on an upper right side of an IE browser.
- Now go to the Internet Options & select by clicking it on an Advanced tab.
- Then scroll down towards the security section.

- Then uncheck the box that is labeled as USE TLS 1.0. Now put a check in USE TLS 1.2.
- Then click to apply changes. Click on OK button.
- After this, close all your unwanted tabs.
- In the end, restart your PC/tablet.
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Step 2: Now make a new test company file
To do so, this process will help to determine from where an issue generates with your bank or their servers.

- In the main file QB menu, first, choose New Company > then express Start key button.
- Under the new company tested file, let’s add your bank account details through which was experiencing glitches & set up it as the account for a bank feeds.
- Due to this download bank feed transaction, just need to test the account.
- If receives the same error, then it might be a problem to your bank transaction, we recommend to proceed the next step.
After creating the file, if you are able to download the download transactions, then it simply means that the primary company file might have certain issues, which needs immediate troubleshooting by professionals. However, if you aren’t able to download the bank transactions, then it simply indicates that the bank needs the confirmation to verify or the bank is making some changes on the server or website. In such scenario, contacting bank is recommended.
See also : How to Install, Update, and Set up the QuickBooks Database Server Manager?
Step 3: Ask to your bank account
All banks provide a support channel to all users.
- First of all collect bank feeds to log files before connecting to the bank executives. The Connlog file will aid o pinpoint the origin of the connection failure or error.
- Since QuickBooks role through Online Banking that is the best access point, the majority of OL and OLSU errors received will need to be resolved through the bank.
- When a proper assistance is provided through bank support channels, then ask to transfer to a bank representative familiar with QB Desktop Bank Feeds and account activation.
- Have the agent to verify your accounts information and need to mark it as active for all relevant services that it requires for QuickBooks Desktop.
- If the issue remains unresolved or persists again-n-again, ask the bank representative to replicate the case to your bank support help-desk.
If you have any doubts or looking for experts help, then ask to our expertise that have the best knowledge in fixing countable hindrances. Get in touch with our QuickBooks Error Support team that is available for 24/7.
Step 4: Now Deactivate your Accounts by Using Online Services
The given process will take some time to make up and set-ups online banking transactions as.
- In the given chart of accounts, a user will locate at the bottom of the window OS. Choose an option of included inactive checkbox.
- Deactivate your bank feeds if the account is inactive form.
- Then close & re-opened the file.
- Now set up to each account for your bank feeds.
Reactivate Bank feed
- Here, you need to move to the list and then chart of accounts
- Once done with that, right click the account from the list that lads to such an error
- Select the edit account
- Now, click on the setup bank feeds and click on yes tab to close all the open QuickBooks windows
- You are then required to enter the bank name and also click on continue tab

- After that, enter the bank username and password and click on connect
- Note that QuickBooks might take some time to pull up the bank account after it found them LINK the account with a respective account
- Click on the next tab.
Step 5: Run verify and rebuild utilities
- Run verify utilities
- The very first step is to launch the QuickBooks
- And then, move to the file menu
- Also, select utilities tab
- Now, pick the verify data option
- The user needs to click on ok tab to close all open windows
- After that, if QuickBooks doesn’t detect any issue with the data and then click on ok tab
- If the QuickBooks found some issue with the data, then click on rebuild data option

- Run rebuild utilities
- The user needs to move to the file option
- And then click on ok tab and also click on save to create a backup
- Click on view results after the rebuild completes
- If you found no issues, then you are recommended to move with the steps ahead
- If there are any issues are detected with the data, then contact our experts is recommended
Important: Most of the banks call for identification verification before accessing information from PFM (Personal Financial Management) software. To satisfy the bank safety and security requirement, log in to your account beyond QuickBooks Desktop and also examine your Message Center or Notifications inbox for details. If needed, call your bank straight for instructions.
Reactive bank feed
- The user needs to move to list and then chart of accounts
- After that, right click on the account from the list that leads to this error and then choose edit account
- The next step is to click on set up bank feeds and click on yes tab to close all open QuickBooks windows
- After that enter the bank name and click on continue tab

- The user needs to enter the bank username and password and click on connect
- Note that QuickBooks might take some time to pull up the bank account
- After the user founds then, it is suggested to link the account with a respective account
- The last step is to click on next tab
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If this process is not fixing your QuickBooks error codes of OL 203 & 204, then get connected by one of QuickBooks expert by dialing our QuickBooks customer service number at +1-866-453-7060. Further, have any other query regarding this software, feel free to ask your doubts at any time. Help is available 24/7 from our side.
The bank account you linked to QuickBooks for online banking is inactive, causing QuickBooks Error OL 205. The information of your bank is not updated in QuickBooks’s Financial Institutions Directory (FiDir). While downloading the transaction, the bank’s server is not responding, resulting in a Bank Feeds error.
Run the QuickBooks Install Diagnostic Tool to fix common install issues. Open the QuickBooks Tool Hub, then select Installation Issues. Select QuickBooks Install Diagnostic Tool.
OL-231, OL-232, or OL-235 are caused when there is incorrect information about your bank in Quicken. Quicken maintains information about how online services for your bank work in Quicken. If your bank has made changes to their online services you may need to update the information in Quicken.
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